Bauza & Brito

About us

About us?

We are a company dedicated to offering accounting and tax services,
business administration, personal finance management and planning
tax office, we are located in Gainesville, Georgia.

Why we?

In Bauza & Brito Solutions, LLC, we specialize in developing strategies of growth for your business and your finances adapted to your needs. You We serve with speed, confidentiality, honesty and professionalism, giving you the help you need.

Our values

On the road to business success, the first and most important thing is to ensure that the foundations of a company are solid to withstand any situation; It is for this reason that our behavior is defined by the following values:

  • Personalized attention: We value each client in a particular way, considering her needs, likes and preferences.
  • Focused on results: We seek excellence in our management, to ensure the expected results.
  • Honesty: We work with principles of transparency and clarity.
  • Confidentiality: We reserve the information of our clients, with high
    security standards.
  • Attention to details: We are attentive to the detailed and complete review of each of the different cases of our clients.
  • Motivators: We constantly develop capacities and actions to meet the objectives.


Provide tax, accounting and administrative solutions within the fiscal framework of the country through a wide range of services for individuals and businesses.


To be the leading service company capable of impacting, empowering, inspiring and transforming entrepreneurs and future leaders in our community.

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